Taarana’s Stars Shine Brightly in the Limelight on Annual Day!
The Annual Day is a reminder that all children are equally capable if given a chance to channel their energies constructively.
Taarana School’s Annual Day has always been a much-awaited event, and this year’s celebration was no exception!
The day not only highlighted the students’ fantastic talents but also emphasised their abilities and potential for the future.
“The Annual Day is a reminder that all children are equally capable if given a chance to be creative and channel their energies constructively,” said Taarana’s principal, Dr Sunitha Sivakumaran.

The day’s programme included a tribute to Taarana’s long-serving staff and awards to the students. We recognised our children for their significant growth and accomplishments in areas like attendance, progression, and daily living skills.
Apart from academic skills, Taarana’s importance to life skills goes beyond the classroom to ensure that every child achieves some degree of independence.

The Chairperson of RYTHM Foundation, Datin Sri Umayal Eswaran, said the day presented Taarana’s nurturing spirit of inclusivity and creativity. RYTHM is the social impact initiative of the QI Group of Companies and manages Taarana.
“We must not give up on our children but nurture their skills and talents,” Datin Sri Umayal said. “If they can’t excel academically, guide them on their unique journey and encourage their other talents.”

Beyond a day centred on the children’s joy, the Annual Day was a compelling reminder of the transformative influence of nurturing a supportive and inclusive learning and developmental environment.
Experience more of our Annual Day in these lively snapshots:

Our Annual Day made waves in the media, too! Click on these links to explore the comprehensive coverage:
TheSun.my, Bernama, Utusan Malaysia, Utusan TV, Astro Awani, Kosmo! Daily Express