Celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri the Taarana Way
We felt it would be an excellent opportunity to help the kids become acquainted with what makes Hari Raya Aidil Fitri uniquely Malaysian.
Taarana School’s Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebration was a day full of festive fun and cultural treats! The focus of this year’s presentation was the significance of the occasion in multicultural Malaysia.
“We did not want to miss celebrating Hari Raya with our diverse group of students,” Taarana’s Principal, Dr Sunitha Sivakumaran, said. “We felt it would be an excellent opportunity to help the kids become acquainted with what makes Hari Raya Aidil Fitri uniquely Malaysian.”
Dr Sunitha added that the day gave Taarana’s children of different backgrounds an insight into how our Muslim friends celebrate the special occasion.
“Amidst the fun in such events, the interaction between the students can contribute significantly to their social and cognitive development.
“The event also gave our teachers and students more opportunities for non-academic interactions. Such exchanges show kids of various learning abilities ways of differentially communicating,” Dr Sunitha explained.
The highlight of the day was the Hari Raya cookie-baking session. Taarana’s teachers helped the children – many dressed in vibrant and colourful traditional attire – add colouring to their cookie dough before shaping and baking them in an oven.
To acquaint the children with the cultural elements of the celebration, they also participated in an image quiz game. Again, the excitement was palpable as the kids correctly guessed the names of things associated with Hari Raya, like ketupat and money packets, were gradually revealed.
Later, the students channelled their artistic side by colouring Hari Raya-themes drawings before the celebration ended with lunch.